
India vital details

Languages: Tamil (TA)
Administration Unit: District
Continent Code: AS
Continent: Asia
Latitude/Longitude: 7.070526, 93.791644
Country: India
Flag: India Flag
Country alpha-2 (ISO 3166): IN
Country alpha-3 (ISO 3166): IND
Phone Code: 91
Currency: INR
Top-Level Domain: .in
Time Zone (UTC/DST): Asia/Kolkata (+05:30/+05:30)

India uses these administrative units: State, Union territory, District, Division, District, Municipality

India Postal Codes

StatePostal Codes RangeLatitude/Longitude
Andhra Pradesh500001 - 70013413.157849, 79.009649
Arunachal Pradesh786629 - 79212327.065829, 93.645550
Assam781001 - 78893127.415350, 94.684020
Bihar800001 - 85545625.608270, 84.863280
Chhattisgarh415213 - 49777821.232949, 81.465749
Goa403001 - 40380615.407130, 73.837429
Gujarat360001 - 39659021.199000, 72.811449
Haryana121001 - 13620329.102550, 75.981999
Himachal Pradesh171001 - 17760132.113599, 76.147700
Jammu and Kashmir180001 - 19440134.326250, 75.030860
Jharkhand805132 - 92211923.777899, 86.438050
Karnataka560001 - 59134413.112199, 77.626099
Kerala670001 - 69561811.116400, 75.977450
Madhya Pradesh450001 - 48844823.246600, 77.526279
Maharashtra400001 - 59123718.600549, 73.960800
Manipur795001 - 79515924.807179, 93.937550
Meghalaya793001 - 79411525.521699, 90.218999
Mizoram796001 - 79691123.579850, 92.728430
Nagaland797001 - 79862626.015250, 94.515249
Odisha751001 - 77007620.425249, 85.879999
Punjab140001 - 16016230.884150, 75.901250
Rajasthan301001 - 34503329.537749, 73.775940
Sikkim737101 - 73713927.276039, 88.821119
Tamil Nadu600001 - 64328211.108340, 77.470839
Tripura799001 - 79929024.146899, 91.822950
Uttar Pradesh121705 - 28525128.874400, 78.750150
Uttarakhand244711 - 26368929.586610, 79.605530
West Bengal700001 - 74374423.217649, 88.573049
Union territoryPostal Codes RangeLatitude/Longitude
Andaman and Nicobar Islands744101 - 74430411.627100, 92.703079
Chandigarh160001 - 16013630.737780, 76.784430
Dadra and Nagar Haveli396193 - 39624020.191269, 73.162710
Daman and Diu362520 - 39622020.400320, 72.815119
Delhi110001 - 11061128.608200, 77.138130
Lakshadweep682551 - 6825599.964330, 76.320490
Puducherry605001 - 67332011.893230, 79.747200