South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands vital details

Languages: English (EN)
Administration Unit: Island
Continent Code: AN
Continent: Antarctica
Latitude/Longitude: -54.351272, -36.728091
Flag: South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Flag
Country alpha-2 (ISO 3166): GS
Country alpha-3 (ISO 3166): SGS
Phone Code: 995
Currency: GBP
Top-Level Domain: .gs
Territory Of: GB
Time Zone (UTC/DST): Atlantic/South_Georgia (-02:00/-02:00)

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands uses these administrative units: Island

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Post code

IslandPost code RangeLatitude/Longitude
Albatros IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.023681, -37.337100
Annenkov IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.494547, -37.070682
Bird IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.006723, -38.037326
Cooper IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.814710, -35.792148
Pickersgill IslandsSIQQ 1ZZ-54.635078, -36.761005
South Georgia IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.281321, -36.508881
Trinity IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-53.999472, -38.170688
Willis IslandSIQQ 1ZZ-54.010684, -38.212738